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Below you find a list of flyers with information on our products and company.

Astos Solutions
Flyer with information on our products, expertise and solutions
Analysis, Simulation and Trajectory Optimization Software for Space Applications (ASTOS) product flyer
ASTOS AOCS Testing and Check-Out
ASTOS for AOCS Testing and Check Out application flyer
Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer Trajectory Optimization Software (LOTOS; formerly LTOTO) product flyer
Camera Simulator
Camera Simulator product flyer. Camera and Lidar simulator for real-time applications. The simulator generates photo-realistic images for real-time applications.
Dynamic and Control Analysis Package (DCAP) product flyer: DCAP simulates and analyses the dynamics of coupled rigid and flexible structural systems.
Pointing Error Engineering Tool (PEET) product flyer
Spacecraft Magnetostatic Cleanliness Modelling Software (GAMAG) product flyer
Sparse Optimisation Suite (SOS) product flyer
Graphical Environment for Simulation and Optimisation (GESOP) Product Flyer


The following papers contain information related to our products and activities and provide more insight into our topics.

V. Rossi, S. Schäff, S. Weikert, A. Wiegand, ASTOS 9.3 – Multi-body feature for simulations of flexible launcher dynamics, 7th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 11, 2018
A. Wiegand, C. Schmierer, S. Weikert, Multi-Disciplinary Vehicle Design based on the Tools ASTOS and ESPSS, International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR), Monopoli, Italy, 9, 2019
A. Wiegand, S. Weikert, Concept and Performance Simulation with ASTOS, proceedings of the SESP 2012: Simulation and EGSE for Space Programmes, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 9, 2012
A. Wiegand, S. Weikert, Innovative multi-disciplinary vehicle, mission and gnc analysis, proceedings of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, 10, 2012
S. Weikert, A. Wiegand, W. Fichter, R. Saage, Coupled mission and gnc analysis for space robotic missions, proceedings of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, 10, 2012
A. Wiegand, C. Möllmann, A. Martinez Barrio, New concurrent design optimisation models of ASTOS, proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on System & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications, SECESA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 10, 2010
S. Weikert, T. Scholz, F. Cremaschi, Safety and Risk Analysis Capabilities of ASTOS, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
S. Schaeff, M. Juergens, A. Wiegand, POINT - A Tool to Optimize Interplanetary Trajectories, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
I. Huertas, C. Moellmann, S. Weikert, A. Martinez Barrio, Re-Entry Vehicle Design by Multidisciplinary Optimisation in ASTOS, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
C. Moellmann, A. Wiegand, M. Dalheimer, A. Martinez Barrio, J. Kauffmann, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Expandable Launchers in ASTOS, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
J. M. Lozano González, C. Praile, S. Erb, J. M. del Cura, G. Rodriguez, S. Weikert, Optimisation of NS, EW Station-Keeping Manoeuvres for Geo Satellites using Electric Propulsion (Opaskep), proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
S. Weikert, C. Laurel, Virtual Environment for Space and Terrestrial Applications (VESTA) an open source 3D graphics engine, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 5, 2010
V. Zuccarelli, S. Weikert, R. Cadenas, I. Huertas, GRAVMOD-2: a new tool for precise gravitational modelling of planetary moons and small bodies, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2012
F. Cremaschi, S. Volks, M. Jürgens, Turbo-boost for Launchability Analysis Tool (LAT), proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2012
A. Hornig, F. Cremaschi, Automatic Launch Window Analysis (ALWA), stand alone tool or ASTOS feature, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2012
F. Cremaschi, I. Huertas, G. Ortega, T. Sgobba, C. Laurel, De-orbiting the International Space Station ISS: safety considerations and preliminary analysis, proceedings of the 5th IAASS Conference on Space Safety, Paris, France, 10, 2011
R. Gardi, A. del Vecchio, G. Russo, S. Weikert, F. Cremaschi, G. Ortega, A. Rinalducci, A. Martinez Barrio, SHARK - MAXUS 8 experiment. A technology demonstrator for re-entry drop capsule., proceedings of the 5th IAASS Conference on Space Safety, Paris, France, 10, 2011
G. Ortega, T. Sgobba, I. Huertas, F. Cremaschi, C. Laurel, Casualty and Fatality Rates of Massive Extinction After Asteroid Impact with Earth, proceedings of the 5th IAASS Conference on Space Safety, Paris, France, 10, 2011
M. Sippel, A. van Foreest, C. Bauer, F. Cremaschi, System Investigations of the SpaceLiner Concept in FAST20XX, 17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 4, 2011, AIAA-2011-2294
S. Weikert, S. Schäff, J. Eggert, M. Jürgens, A. Wiegand, New ASTOS Software Capabilities Applied To Rendezvous Scenarios, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2012
K. Mehlem, Spacecraft Magnetic Cleanliness Analysis Software GAMAG, 10, 2015, Software description
S. Weikert, A. Dobler, J. Teufel, S. Schäff, V. Zuccarelli, M. Jürgens, A. Wiegand, S. Erb, ASTOS 9 - Mission Performance Analysis, System Concept Analysis and Other New Features, proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, Darmstadt, Germany, 3, 2016
M. Hirth, S. Haifeng, T. Ott, M. Casasco, S. Salehi, The Pointing Error Engineering Tool (PEET): From Prototype to Release Version, proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, Darmstadt, Germany, 3, 2016
V. Zuccarelli, S. Weikert, C. Yabar Valles, D. Koschny, Space Situational Awareness Programme: Enhanced Neo Propagator (NEOPROP2), proceedings of the 8th International Space Safety Conference, Melbourne - Florida, USA, 5, 2016
S. Schäff, A. Wiegand, Advanced Electric Orbit-Raising Optimization for Operational Purpose, proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Munich, Germany, 10, 2015
S. Schäff, M. Jürgens, Advanced Electric Orbit-Raising Optimization and Analysis with LOTOS 2, proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, Darmstadt, Germany, 3, 2016
F. Cremaschi, S. Winter, V. Rossi, A. Wiegand, Launch Vehicle Design and GNC Sizing with ASTOS, International Conference for Astrodynamic Tools and Techniques, 2016
M. Casasco, G. S. Criado, S. Weikert, E. Jochen, M. Hirth, T. Ott, H. Su, Pointing Error Budgeting for High Pointing Accuracy Mission using the Pointing Error Engineering Tool, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2013
M. Casasco, S. Salehi, S. Weikert, E. Jochen, M. Hirth, H. Su, T. Ott, Pointing Error Engineering Framework for High Pointing Accuracy Missions, 24th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Laurel, Maryland, USA, 2014
A. Wiegand, F. Cremaschi, S. Winter, S. Weikert, T. Link, D. Zell, J. Albinger, Design Optimization and Performance Analysis of Launch Vehicles with ASTOS, proceedings of the 63rd Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Augsburg, Germany, 2014
D. Zell, T. Link, S. Bickelmaier, J. Albinger, S. Weikert, F. Cremaschi, A. Wiegand, Advanced Structural Optimization under Consideration of Cost Tracking, proceedings of the European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, 2014
A. Wiegand, S. Weikert, V. Zuccarelli, A. Dobler, J. Eggert, ASTOS: a tool for mission and analysis concept analysis and design, proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on System & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications, SECESA, Stuttgart, Germany, 10, 2014
V. Zuccarelli, D. Bancelin, S. Weikert, W. Thuillot, D. Hestroffer, C. Y. Valles, D. Koschny, NEOPROP: a neo propagator for space situational awareness for the 6th IAASS conference, proceedings of the 6th IAASS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 5, 2013
S. Weikert, I. Kossev, V. Zuccarelli, K. D. Bunte, P. Hake, A. Miller, D. E. Antón, I. Huertas, E. Fletcher, ESA Space Situational Awareness programme: Re-entry Prediction System (RPS) of the space surveillance and tracking segment, proceedings of the 6th IAASS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 5, 2013
S. Schaeff, F. Cremaschi, A. Wiegand, Electric orbit raising - advantages, transfer aspects, solutions, proceedings of the 65rd International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, 2012
S. Schaeff, F. Cremaschi, Electric propulsion as game changer for CubeSat: mission analysis with LOTOS, presentation at the Space Tech Expo Europe, Bremen, Germany, 10, 2017
S. Schaeff, F. Cremaschi, Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer Trajectory Optimization Software for Launcher Upper Stages, presentation at the ESA Space Engineering and Technology Final Presentation Days, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2017
F. Cremaschi, Analysis, Simulation and Trajectory optimisation for Space Scenarios (ASTOS) Market-Oriented Activities, presentation at the ESA Space Engineering and Technology Final Presentation Days, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 5, 2017
F. Cremaschi, S. Winter, V. Rossi, A. Wiegand, Launch Vehicle Design and GNC Sizing with ASTOS, CEAS Space Journal, 10: 51, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12567-017-0160-x preview
F. Cremaschi, A. Wiegand, H. Burkhardt, Cost effective design of a nano-launcher with ASTOS, proceedings of the 11th IAA Symposium on Small Sats for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, 5, 2017
S. Schaeff, Missions Involving Low-Thrust Optimization, presentation at the 3rd European Optimization in Space Engineering Workshop, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 9, 2015
M. Toso, V. Rossi, ESA multibody tool for launchers and spacecrafts: lesson learnt and future challenges, Proceedings of the 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Lisbon, Portugal, 6, 2018
V. Rossi, A. Wiegand, S. Weikert, S. Schäff, M. Toso, LAUMBS: a new software for launch vehicle design and verification during ascent and payload injection, Proceedings of the European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 2018
M. Toso, V. Rossi, M. Robinson, F. Battie, DCAP: assessment of a multi-payload insertion problem by means of multibody dynamics, Proceedings of the European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 5, 2018
F. Cremaschi, S. Weikert, S. Schaeff, A. Wiegand, ASTOS, a reconfigurable software for design of mega constellations, operation of Flying Laptop and end-of-life disposal, Proceeding of SpaceOps Conference, Marseille, France, 5, 2018, DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-2496
M. Hirth, H. Su, T. Ott, M. Casasco, G. Ortega, PEET V1.0: The State-of-the-Art Pointing and Performance Error Engineering Tool for Space Missions, 10th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems, Salzburg, Austria, 2017
T. Ott, M. Hirth, M. Casasco, S. Goerries, D. Gedon, A. Ponche, PointingSat – High Precision Pointing Error Analysis with ESA PEET v1.0, 10th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems, Salzburg, Austria, 2017
A. Wiegand, IT Solutions to Facilitate Micro Launcher Developments, 6th Industrial days "Micro Launchers", DLR, Lampoldshausen, Germany, 4, 2018