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Pointing Error Engineering Tool

PEET is software tool that supports systems and performance engineers in setting up and calculating of error budgets. It is based on standardized rules from ECCS (ECSS-ST-60-10C) and the methodology described in the ESA Pointing Error Engineering Handbook (ESSB-HB-E-003).

PEET is designed as a toolbox for MATLAB and provides a dedicated graphical user interface to quickly create and modify the error signal flow via drag & drop.

PEET was developed under ESA contract and is available free-of-charge to companies, institutions and agencies in ESA member states. In order to request a license of PEET, please create an account on our website and send an email to service@astos.de.

Generic budgeting problem: from error sources to system error
Generic budgeting problem: from error sources to system error
The System Editor: Creating the error signal routing
The System Editor: Creating the error signal routing

Software Requirements

  • Standard desktop PC or laptop (16GB RAM recommended)
  • Windows 10 / Linux Ubuntu 20 or later
  • MATLAB 2011b (MATLAB 2016b or higher recommended), 64 bit only
  • MATLAB Control System Toolbox

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.